Rope Cut
Coupe-corde FB
4 reviews
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Saveurs :
- Saint-Domingue : tabac à la noix de coco
- Loose Cannon : Caramel Tobacco
- Dark Thirty : Tabac Prune
- Merrimack : Vanille Menthe Tabac
- Shellback : Tabac à la pomme verte
- Skipper : Tabac à la crème anglaise
- Barbe Noire : Tabac à la vanille et aux noix
Viv Little Love the delivery service!
Donald Street For people that still crave the taste of cigarettes, this the best juice flavor I have found.
Christina Clayton Great flavor and smooth. Very satisfied.
Kris Bold taste. Flavor doesn't weaken as you continue to vape but can become somewhat bitter. Not something I would vape all day everyday but it's a satisfying retreat from all the fruity tropical food flavors.